The Top 10 SQL Commands Every Data Analyst Should Master

Are you a data analyst trying to make sense of a vast quantity of data? Are you struggling to find ways to manipulate data with efficiency and ease? Look no further than SQL (Structured Query Language). SQL is a programming language that allows users to manage and manipulate relational databases. From joining tables to filtering data, SQL can be a game-changer for anyone working with data.

In this article, we'll walk you through the top 10 SQL commands every data analyst should master. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, these commands will help you create, modify, and manipulate data with ease. So let's jump right in!


The SELECT command is the bread and butter of SQL. It is used to retrieve data from a database. With SELECT, you can specify which columns you want to retrieve, which tables you want to retrieve data from, and how you want to filter that data. The syntax for SELECT is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition;

For example, if you want to retrieve all columns from a table called "customers", you would use the following code:

SELECT * FROM customers;


The WHERE command is used to filter data retrieved by the SELECT command. It allows users to specify conditions that must be met in order for data to be retrieved. The syntax for WHERE is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition;

For example, if you want to retrieve all columns from a table called "customers" where the column "age" is greater than 30, you would use the following code:

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE age > 30;


The GROUP BY command is used to group rows that have the same values into summary rows. It is commonly used with aggregate functions (which we'll discuss later in this article) to summarize data. The syntax for GROUP BY is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition GROUP BY column1, column2, ...;

For example, if you want to retrieve summary data for the number of customers in each city, you would use the following code:

SELECT city, COUNT(*) FROM customers GROUP BY city;


The JOIN command is used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a related column between them. There are several types of joins, including INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, and FULL OUTER JOIN. The syntax for INNER JOIN is as follows:

SELECT table1.column1, table2.column2, ... FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.column_name = table2.column_name;

For example, if you want to join a table of customer orders (called "orders") with a table of customers (called "customers") based on their shared customer ID column, you would use the following code:

SELECT orders.order_id, customers.first_name, customers.last_name FROM orders INNER JOIN customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.customer_id;


A subquery is a select statement that is nested inside another select statement. It can be used to retrieve data that will be used in the main query. The syntax for subqueries is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE column_name operator (SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE condition);

For example, if you want to retrieve all columns from a table called "customers" where the column "age" is less than the average age, you would use the following code:

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE age < (SELECT AVG(age) FROM customers);


The ORDER BY command is used to sort the data retrieved by the SELECT command. It allows users to specify which column(s) to sort by and the direction of the sort (ascending or descending). The syntax for ORDER BY is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table_name WHERE condition ORDER BY column1 ASC/DESC, column2 ASC/DESC, ...;

For example, if you want to retrieve all columns from a table called "customers" sorted by last name in ascending order, you would use the following code:

SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY last_name ASC;


The DISTINCT command is used to retrieve unique values from a column. It allows users to eliminate duplicate values. The syntax for DISTINCT is as follows:

SELECT DISTINCT column_name FROM table_name WHERE condition;

For example, if you want to retrieve all unique values from a column called "city" in a table called "customers", you would use the following code:

SELECT DISTINCT city FROM customers;


The SUM command is used to calculate the sum of a column. It is commonly used with GROUP BY to summarize data. The syntax for SUM is as follows:

SELECT SUM(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition GROUP BY column_name;

For example, if you want to retrieve the total sales amount for each product in a table called "products", you would use the following code:

SELECT product_name, SUM(sales_amount) FROM products GROUP BY product_name;


The AVG command is used to calculate the average value of a column. It is commonly used with GROUP BY to summarize data. The syntax for AVG is as follows:

SELECT AVG(column_name) FROM table_name WHERE condition GROUP BY column_name;

For example, if you want to retrieve the average age of customers in each city in a table called "customers", you would use the following code:

SELECT city, AVG(age) FROM customers GROUP BY city;


The COUNT command is used to count the number of rows in a table or a group of rows based on a condition. It is commonly used with GROUP BY to summarize data. The syntax for COUNT is as follows:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name WHERE condition;

For example, if you want to retrieve the number of customers in a table called "customers" grouped by city, you would use the following code:

SELECT city, COUNT(*) FROM customers GROUP BY city;

And there you have it! These are the top 10 SQL commands every data analyst should master. With these powerful tools at your disposal, you'll be able to manipulate data with ease and efficiency. If you're looking to learn more about SQL and how it can help you work with your data, check out, an online book and ebook about learning dbt and transforming data using SQL or Python. Good luck, and happy coding!

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